Summer Trends for 2017

Summer Trends for 2017

A change in season means a change in trend, and 2017 is filled will new and beautiful design elements. There is something for everyone this season; filled with designs on both sides of the spectrum from very minimal to extremely bold. Whether you’re interested in...
What to consider for smaller or larger spaces

What to consider for smaller or larger spaces

Everyone’s home is different, just like their personalities and their inspirations. A lot of people want various types of styles and renovations done to different spaces, but what is important to know is how to accompany divergent designs within several diverse...
Design Tips To Update Your Kitchen This Spring

Design Tips To Update Your Kitchen This Spring

With every season, we are always inspired to change up the design within our homes and make it more season appropriate. In the spring season flowers bloom, the days get longer and sunshine blooms within the home. We love updating our showroom at Neo Kitchen and making...
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