

Luxury Custom Kitchen #1


This is a really great space with many dark, outdated shapes and colours holding it back. The ceiling wood beams and floor pattern distract us from the kitchen setting. Even with many large windows along the walls, natural sunlight does not give this kitchen any wow factor.


Remodeled and redeemed! With cabinets hugging along the curved wall, the antique white colour really brings this space to life. The windows are thoughtfully given upper cabinets in between and window valances spread out above for a continuous look. The island is elongated for ample use, and accented with intricate wood posts for a luxurious touch of style. Pot lights above keep our eyes directed at this great cabinetry with full light and visibility, while the floor clears the way for its users.


Luxury Custom Kitchen #2


Builder kitchens do not always give you the best look and use of space. As we see here in this before photo, the layout is very basic and unappealing to the viewer. Dark cabinets copied and pasted into their space, short boxes well below the ceiling height, slim island and limited space.


A stunning transformation! We immediately see the character in this exquisite traditional style kitchen. Here we see professional work done by detailed and skilled craftsmen with antique white colour, raised panel doors, artwork on the valences, and range hood cover design. Top row glass doors provided with lighting, dark finish island with a custom fit wine rack and detailed posts for a unique shape. The stone backsplash, granite countertops, and candescent lighting to meet the kitchen’s energy. And finally the use of full cabinet height with a beautiful crown moulding finish to tie it all together.


Luxury Custom Kitchen #3


Another set of builder kitchen with an unappealing first look at this grand space. Low quality flat doors with laminate portraying a wood style, and low cabinet boxes without any attempt at extra storage. Dull and dark, it seems that nothing here grabs the attention it deserves in this great space.


Bright and classic, this kitchen is among our client favourites! This contemporary style uses a bright, but off white paint colour with shaker style doors to work with any of your kitchen accessories. The island has a striking light grey with painted brushstroke finish. Single slab basckplash to tie in with the beautiful quartz countertops for a seamless finish. The most spectacular part would be the additional cabinetry where it was almost nonexistent. Full use of cabinets around the fridge and new secondary doors above with lighting, polished off with a sleek crown moulding finish.

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